Protecting Your Patients

Vaccines give health care providers the power to protect Florida’s future.

Research confirms that patients and parents look to health care providers for the most accurate information about their health, including vaccines. You play a critical role in educating them about vaccines, answering their questions and addressing safety concerns.

The following strategies have been compiled to empower health care providers to communicate effectively and ultimately raise the immunization coverage rates.

Same Day, Same Way

Avoid missed opportunities by strongly recommending the HPV vaccine to parents of all 11– to 12-year-olds on the same day and in the same way that you recommend Tdap and meningococcal vaccines. Learn more.

Play Catch-up

Some patients may fall behind. If they do, be sure to follow the minimum interval catch-up schedule to get them back on track.

"B" Wise

Always ensure the first dose of hep B vaccine is administered within 24 hours of birth. Click here for more information.

Be "4" Sure

Make sure the 4th DTaP dose is given on time between 15-18 months for optimal protection.

Use Available Tools

Florida SHOTS immunization information system (IIS) offers a wealth of resources to help keep your patients on track.

Keep the Conversation Going

Talk to your patients about vaccines at every visit, even if they’ve declined them in the past.

Stay on Schedule

Vaccinating on time, every time is the best way to protect your patients. Check immunization status at every visit and stick to the schedule.

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