Health Care Providers


Immunization Schedules

Vaccines work best when patients stick to the schedule. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)-recommended schedule is designed to protect children when they are most vulnerable and well into adulthood.

While you should always encourage patients to stick to the schedule, it’s never too late to vaccinate. Help patients who are behind schedule get back on track with ACIP-recommended catch-up schedule.

Florida School & Daycare Requirements

Florida requires certain vaccines to be administered before children may enroll and attend childcare and school. Stay informed on the latest requirements for public and non-public schools and childcare facilities in the state of Florida.

Talking to Patients & Parents

As the most trusted source of information regarding vaccines, it is every health care provider's duty to facilitate an open and honest dialogue about vaccine safety. Use the following resources to initiate important conversations and keep them going with every visit.

Explaining Benefits & Risks of Vaccines

Prior to the administration of each dose of vaccine, all health care providers are required by federal law to provide the patient, parent or guardian with a copy of the current Vaccine Information Statement (VIS), explaining the benefits and risks of the vaccine.

Parents and patients are likely to have questions regarding the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Take the time to listen to their concerns and use the following resources to provide them with the most up-to-date, evidence-based information.

Managing Immunizations

Florida SHOTS is a free, statewide, centralized online immunization information system that helps health care providers manage immunization records to ensure that patients of all ages receive the vaccinations needed to protect them from vaccine-preventable diseases.

Mobile Apps

CDC Vaccine Schedules App

Access the latest information regarding the ACIP-recommended vaccination schedules, complete with footnotes and recommendations.

ReadyVax App

Up-to-date information from Emory University on vaccinations, including real-time rapid updates and notifications for emergency situations such as outbreaks.

HPV Same Day, Same Way App

Helpful information for starting conversations with patients and parents about the HPV vaccine, including tips for talking to hesitant parents.

American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology App

Trusted source for tools, resources and guidelines from the leading experts in women’s health care, including interactive information on immunization best practices.